Saturday, April 26, 2014

1 Year!

Hey all you people out there!
Today we're celebrating Kat Nap Tails' 1 year anniversary! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this year and I'm looking forward to the next year. It's been a long journey with Ally Kat and GWANAN and the many characters that I have chatted with, not to mention all the times when I had to delay a week or two or three or completely forgot to post and so on. I'll probably be pretty busy this coming year, but hopefully I'll be able to keep up with everything. I hope you enjoyed the past year as much as I have. Thank you all!


P.S. If you have any ideas or ways I could improve Kat Nap Tails, comment below!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Hey guys,
In case you were wondering, I've put all of Kat Nap Tails on hold at the moment for the sake of studying for school. It should be back on track at the beginning of May.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dear Readers,

As the first chapter of The Story Drifter will be published today, I will be posting the next Charity's Chats next Friday. I hope you enjoy the new tale by my friend and myself, and be sure to look forward to next Friday.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The End of GWANAN/Beginning of The Story Drifter

Hey all! Thanks to everyone who has been reading GWANAN. It is officially finished! I would like to hear some feedback from you guys about what you think, so here's a question for everyone: Who's your favorite character from Catching Ally Kat/GWANAN?

So you know that "Coming Soon" that's been coming soon for a while now? That's the next story. It's a story written by myself and a friend of mine and it will be posted once a month, beginning next month (hopefully). I know, I know, no more once a week, but I will keep going with Charity's Chats and hopefully I wont run out of characters again. And without having a story to write once a week, I might just have time to draw pictures of the characters!

I look forward to hearing everyone's favorite character.

Thanks again for your support!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Next GWANAN chapter

Hey all!
Due to various circumstances (being lazy), I have been unable to write the next GWANAN chapter. I will hopefully have it ready for you guys by tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Charity's Chats are back!

Hello, everyone!

Starting next week, I will start going through the characters of GWANAN on Charity's Chats, even though it's not finished yet. As soon as GWANAN is done, my friend and I will work on The Story Drifter which will come out maybe once a month. I will also start chatting with characters to come in my series I've been working on called, "The Silent Warrior". But that wont be for a while yet.

There wont be a chapter of GWANAN this Friday, as I will be very busy and wont have time to write it. But rest assured, there will be one next week!

Thanks to everyone who has continued reading and I hope you all enjoy 2014!