Friday, March 7, 2014

The End of GWANAN/Beginning of The Story Drifter

Hey all! Thanks to everyone who has been reading GWANAN. It is officially finished! I would like to hear some feedback from you guys about what you think, so here's a question for everyone: Who's your favorite character from Catching Ally Kat/GWANAN?

So you know that "Coming Soon" that's been coming soon for a while now? That's the next story. It's a story written by myself and a friend of mine and it will be posted once a month, beginning next month (hopefully). I know, I know, no more once a week, but I will keep going with Charity's Chats and hopefully I wont run out of characters again. And without having a story to write once a week, I might just have time to draw pictures of the characters!

I look forward to hearing everyone's favorite character.

Thanks again for your support!


  1. Carumati, duh! :D or Kon. Or Ven. Or Blake. Or Ally. Or Pepper. Ah! I can't pick!! All of them!!!!!

  2. Ally Kat--I like her name and her cat like behaviors.
